Alrighty, you've finished the game!
But... there is one last thing!
There are two buttons below. One wins you the game, and one hard resets everything...
Here's a clue: Click the right button to win!


You have {{player.value}} {{CURRENCIES[0]}}.

{{player.upg13s}} α: +{{player.upg13s}} {{CURRENCIES[0]}} gain

{{player.upg14s}} β: +{{player.upg14s}} {{CURRENCIES[0]}} gain

{{player.upg15s}} γ: +{{player.upg15s}} {{CURRENCIES[0]}} gain

Welcome to my *best* incremental yet!
Just kidding, we all know this is just the next installment in the "expanded trollverse"
So strap in, and prepare for a good time!
As long as you're okay with just a touch of epilepsy warning, click the button below to begin!
Oops, I guess you need to click it a little more to get it working!
Here's a hint: hold enter [ this is my way of blocking out mobile players ;) ]
I hope you're ready for a fun time :)
But I mean it *was* pretty bad last time... (if you need a reminder...)
What could be worse than an infinite timewall?