You have {{format(}} Energy{{format(tmp.en.exp)}} Due to Energy Overflow, your Energy is being divided by {{format(tmp.en.divPerSec)}} every second.
The Energy mechanic works like this: You generate 1 Base Energy/sec, then it's raised to the power of the exponent shown.
Positive Karma = Higher chance of getting more Gifts. Negative Karma = Higher chance of getting less Gifts.
You have {{format(}} Super-Energy{{format(tmp.sup.exp)}}
You have {{format(}} Super-Energy{{format(tmp.sup.exp)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.sup.enEff)}} levels to the first 3 Energy Upgrades. You have supercharged your Energy {{formatWhole(player.sup.times)}} times.
You have {{format(}} Mega-Energy{{format(tmp.mega.exp)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.mega.enEff)}} to the Energy & Super-Energy exponents.
You have {{formatWhole(player.mega.factories)}} Mega Factories, which increase the Mega-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.mega.factoryEff)}}.
+{{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].xpGain)}} XP (next at {{format(nextXP(x))}} {{skill_data[x].basedOn}})
Level: {{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].lvl)}} (Next: {{formatWhole(tmp.skills[x].next)}} more XP)
You have {{format(}} Hyper-Energy{{format(tmp.hyper.exp)}}, which makes Energy Overflow {{format(tmp.hyper.enEff.times(100))}}% weaker, and adds {{format(tmp.hyper.enEff2)}} to all previous Energy exponents.
You have split {{formatWhole(player.hyper.splitAtoms)}} atoms, which adds {{format(tmp.hyper.powerToExp)}} to the Hyper-Energy exponent. You have put all your energies into the Hypertube {{formatWhole(player.hyper.times)}} times.
WARNING: Each Hyper Upgrade level decreases the Hyper-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.hyper.upgDecExp)}}. (Currently: -{{format(tmp.hyper.totalUpgs.times(tmp.hyper.upgDecExp))}})
You have {{format(}} Fortune Energy{{format(tmp.fortune.exp)}}
Your best Energy exponent in an Unfortunate run is {{format(player.fortune.furthest)}}, which adds {{format(tmp.fortune.furthestToExp)}} to the Fortune Energy exponent.
You have {{formatWhole(}} Gifts, which multiply the Fortune Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.fortune.eff1)}} and reduce the Mega Energy effect softcap's power by {{format(tmp.fortune.eff2.times(100))}}%.
Karma: {{format(}}%Karma Range: {{format(tmp.fortune.addKarma.sub(1).times(100))}}% to {{format(}}%
You have {{format(}} Star Energy{{format(tmp.const.exp)}}
You have {{format(player.constellations.darkness)}} Darkness, which multiplies Atom & Gift gain by {{format(tmp.const.darkEff)}} & multiplies the Unfortunate run effect by {{format(tmp.const.darkEff2)}}
Next Star at {{formatWhole(STAR_UNLOCKS[tmp.const.starsCanUnl])}} Darkness
You have {{format(}} Ultra-Energy{{format(tmp.ultra.exp)}}, which multiplies the Normal, Super, Mega, & Hyper Energy exponents by {{format(tmp.ultra.enEff)}}, and adds {{format(tmp.ultra.enEff2)}} to all previous Energy exponents.
You have performed {{formatWhole(player.ultra.times)}} Ultra resets, which increases the Ultra-Energy exponent by {{format(tmp.ultra.timesEff)}}